Living Boldly

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What helps you live boldly for Jesus?

Peter & John were still speaking with the people, about how the lame man at the Beautiful Gate had been healed by the power of Jesus.  Some priests, an officer of the temple guards & some Sadducees arrived (238).  At that time, the Sadducees were the main ministers in the Temple in Jerusalem.

The Sadducees were annoyed because Peter & John were teaching that Jesus had risen from death; this offended them because they were certain that no one could rise from death.  In order to put a stop to what they considered false teaching about God, the Sadducees had Peter & John arrested & put in jail overnight.


Despite this, many who heard the message of Peter & John believed in Jesus.  As a result the number of members of the body of Christ in Jerusalem grew to about five thousand!

On the next day, Jewish leaders, elders & teachers of the law gathered to meet with the High Priest, Annas, and with Caiaphas, John, Alexander & other members of the High Priest’s family.

Peter & John were brought before this tribunal & they were interrogated: “How did you heal this lame beggar? What power do you have? Whose name did you use?”


Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, answered them, “Leaders of the people & elders, this man stands here, completely healed, through the power of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth — whom you put to death & whom God raised from death. Jesus is the one of whom the inspired scriptures say, ‘The stone that you builders rejected turned out to be the most important stone of all.’  Salvation is  to be found only through Jesus!  God has provided no other way for all of us to be saved.”

The members of the council were amazed to see the boldness of Peter & John, particularly since they had no formal religious education. They realized then that Peter & John were close personal friends of Jesus.

And they had no comeback, because the man who had been healed was standing there with Peter & John!

LORD, please help us to love & live boldly for Jesus.

What helps you live boldly for Jesus?

(238) Acts 4:1-14

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