One In The Spirit

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How do you welcome strangers into your church family?

After they had shared their visions from God, Peter was inspired by the Holy Spirit to speak to Cornelius and his family & friends (259).  “Now I understand that God truly offers friendship, not only to Jews, but also to non-Jews, who will honor him by living righteously!

“You all know that Jesus was sent from God to make peace between the Jews & God.   This was proclaimed throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee after the baptism which John the Baptizer preached.  God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit & with power; he went about doing good & healing all who were oppressed by evil spirits.

“We are witnesses of all the things which Jesus did.  We saw him executed in Jerusalem by being hanged on a cross.  We also saw Jesus after God raised him from death!  We even ate & drank with him at that time.

“Jesus has commanded us to proclaim that he has been ordained by God to judge all people – both the living & the dead. And the prophets have testified that whoever believes in & follows Jesus will receive forgiveness of their sins.”

The Gentiles (or non-Jews) in the house of Cornelius were trying to apply Peter’s message to themselves, even as Peter was speaking.


Suddenly, the Holy Spirit invaded their hearts & lives!  As with the Jews on the day of Pentecost, these Gentiles now began to testify of Jesus & to praise God in many languages!


The Jewish Christians who had come with Peter were astonished that God would give his Holy Spirit to Gentiles!  That same Spirit then prompted Peter to encourage his companions: “Surely we must baptize these Gentiles, who have received God’s Holy Spirit exactly as we did!”

And then Peter baptized them all, in the name of Jesus.  Afterwards, Peter remained for a few days with Cornelius and his family & friends .

LORD, please help us to love any stranger who loves You.

How do you welcome strangers into your church family?

(259) Acts 10:34-48

What Peter Really Saw

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What helps you see the image of Jesus in complete strangers?

While Peter was pondering his vision of all the animals, the men from Cornelius arrived & asked for him (258).  In that moment, the Holy Spirit assured Peter about the three men: “Go with them, for I have sent them to you.”

So Peter went down & asked the men why they had come to Joppa; they replied: “Cornelius, our master, is a just man who fears God & has a good reputation among all the Jews.  He was divinely instructed by a holy angel, to send us to summon you to his house, so we might hear from you the words of God!”


Peter invited the three men to stay the night.  The next morning Peter went with them to Caesarea, accompanied by six Jewish Christians from Joppa.  When they arrived in Caesarea, Cornelius was waiting for them, together with many of his relatives & close friends.

As Peter entered his house, Cornelius fell down at his feet & began to worship him! But Peter told him: “Stand up! I am also just a man.”

Then Peter went in & addressed the entire gathering: “You know it’s against God’s law for a Jewish man like me to associate with Gentiles like you.  But God  has made me see, that I must not think of any person as unclean. Now, please tell me why you called me to come here.”

Cornelius replied: “Four days ago I was fasting & praying in my house.  Suddenly, a man stood before me in very bright clothing & said, ‘Your prayers & generosity have been remembered by God!  Send to Joppa for Peter; he is living with Simon, a tanner, in his house by the sea. Peter will tell you what you must do!’


“So, I sent for you immediately, and I’m glad you have come.  Now, we are all present before God, ready to hear God’s words from you.”

LORD, please help us to see all people as You do.

What helps you see the image of Jesus in complete strangers?

(258) Acts 10:17-33

Aeneas & Tabitha

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What miracles are you praying for, in the lives of other people?

As Peter went through all parts of Israel, he visited the believers in the town of Lydda (256). There he met Aeneas, a man who was paralyzed & had been bedridden for 8 years.

Peter simply said to him, “Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you! Get up and make your bed.”  And Aeneas got up immediately!


All the people who became aware of this miracle, in Lydda & in the nearby town of Sharon, also became believers.

In another nearby town of Joppa, there was a student of Jesus named Tabitha, also sometimes called Dorcas. She was always doing good works & charitable deeds.  But one day she suddenly became sick & died!

After preparing her body for burial & laying her in an upper room, the other believers sent two messengers to Lydda to beg Peter to come to Joppa right away.

When Peter arrived in Joppa, they brought him to the upper room where the body of Dorcas had been laid.  All the widows were weeping; they showed Peter the tunics & garments which Dorcas had made while she was alive.

Peter put them all out of the room, and then he knelt down & prayed to God. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Peter turned to the body & said, “Tabitha, get up!” The woman opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up!


Peter gave her his hand & helped her to her feet.  Then he called in the believers & widows, and he returned Tabitha to them, alive & well!

As this became known throughout Joppa, many more people believed in Jesus. So, after finding lodging in the home of Simon (a tanner), Peter stayed many days in that town.

LORD, please help us to love Your miraculous signs in our lives.

What miracles are you praying for, in the lives of other people?

(256) Acts 9:32-43

An Unexpected Witness

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How do you react when someone unexpectedly becomes a Christian?

Saul began preaching in Jewish synagogues that Jesus is the Messiah promised by God (255).  People who knew Saul’s past hatred for followers of Jesus were amazed when they heard these messages!

After his ministry had continued for some time, jealous Jews actually plotted to kill Saul!  They kept watch, day & night, looking for their chance.  But when their plot was revealed to Saul, believing brothers helped him escape Damascus at night, letting him down over the city wall in a large basket!


(According to his testimony in a later letter to friends in the Galatian region of Turkey, Saul spent some time in Arabia after leaving Damascus.  Perhaps he was re-thinking the books of Moses, in light of his encounter with Jesus.  Eventually, Saul returned to Damascus, before going to Jerusalem for the first time as a witness for Jesus.)

When Saul finally got to Jerusalem, he tried to join the other followers of Jesus there.  But they were all afraid of him & didn’t believe that he himself had really become a believer.  Barnabas stepped in & brought Saul before the 12 chosen witnesses.  Barnabas told them how Jesus had arrested Saul on the road to Damascus.  Barnabas also reported that Saul had preached boldly at Damascus the good news about Jesus.

Saul was then welcomed into fellowship with the believers at Jerusalem.  While there, he continued to speak boldly in the name of Jesus.  But he was opposed by Jews who followed certain Greek cultural traditions; they thought Saul was now the pagan, because he didn’t understand God exactly as they did.

Eventually, these Greek Jews also plotted to kill Saul!  When the Jerusalem believers uncovered that plot, they took Saul away to the port city of Caesarea, and from there they sent him safely to his home in Tarsus.


For a long time after that, the churches throughout all Israel –Judea, Galilee & Samaria — had peace, and the members of the body grew closer & closer to God.  They honored God in their daily lives, and they were comforted by the Holy Spirit.  As a result, these local churches continued to grow.

LORD, please help us to love fellowship with unexpected witnesses.

How do you react when someone unexpectedly becomes a Christian?

(255) Acts 9:20-31

. . . But Now I See!

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 When did God first turn your spiritual blindness into spiritual vision?

On the road to Damascus, a heavenly light suddenly shone all around Saul (254)!  He fell to the ground, and heard a brilliant voice saying, “Saul, why are you persecuting me?”  Saul responded, “Who are you?”  The voice said, “I am Jesus!  Why are you resisting me?”


Saul trembled with astonishment and, in that instant, he surrendered control of his life, saying, “Master, what do you want me to do?”  Then Jesus said to him, “Get up & go into Damascus, and you will be told what you must do.”

The men who were travelling with Saul stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one. When Saul got up & opened his eyes, he couldn’t see at all!  So his companions led him by the hand into Damascus.  Saul waited there for 3 days – without any sight & without taking any food or water.

There was in Damascus another man named Ananias who was a student of Jesus.  In a vision, God said to him, “Get up & go to the house of Judas in the street called ‘Straight.’  Ask for Saul of Tarsus; you will find him praying.  In a vision, he has seen you laying your hands on him to restore his sight.”

Ananias was reluctant, saying, “Master, I have heard how this man has persecuted believers in Jerusalem. And now he has authority to persecute believers here in Damascus as well!”  But God answered Ananias, “Go to him, for I have chosen Saul to testify of me before Gentiles, Jews & kings.  I will show him how much he must suffer for my sake.”

So Ananias found Saul & laid his hands on him & said, “Jesus — who appeared to you on the road to Damascus — has sent me, so you may have your sight restored & be filled with the Holy Spirit.”


Immediately, as though scales were falling from his eyes, Saul was able to see!   And immediately, Saul got up & was baptized!

When he had eaten some food, he was strengthened.  Saul then spent a number of days with the students of Jesus at Damascus.

LORD, please help us to love seeing everything through Your eyes.

When did God first turn your spiritual blindness into spiritual vision?

(254) Acts 9:3-19

The Spirit Works In Gaza

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How has the Holy Spirit recently helped you tell someone about Jesus?

While Philip was in Samaria, an angel of God told him, “Get ready & go south to the road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza.”  So Philip got ready & went (252).

An important official, in charge of the treasury of the queen of Ethiopia, was on his way home from Jerusalem, where he had been to worship God.  As he rode along in his carriage, he was reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.

The Holy Spirit told Philip, “Go over to that carriage.” Philip went over & heard the man reading from the inspired scriptures. He asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The Ethiopian official replied, “How can I understand unless someone explains it to me?”  And he invited Philip to climb into the carriage with him & help him understand.


The Ethiopian official was reading this passage of the inspired Jewish scriptures: “He was like a sheep heading for slaughter & like a lamb that makes no sound when its wool is sheared. He didn’t say a word the whole time that he was humiliated & condemned unjustly.”

The official asked Philip: “Is the prophet talking about himself?  Or is he talking about someone else?”  Then Philip, starting from that very passage, began telling him the good news about Jesus (illustrating for us that we can quickly get to Jesus from anywhere in the Bible).

After they had traveled & talked for a while, they came to a place where there was some water.  The Ethiopian official said, “Here is water; what is to keep me from being baptized?”

Philip replied, “If you believe with all your heart, you should definitely be baptized.”  His companion answered, “I do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God!”  Then he ordered his carriage to stop.  Both Philip and the official went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.


After they had come up out of the water, the Holy Spirit of God took Philip away! Yet, even though the Ethiopian official didn’t see Philip again, he was full of joy as he continued on his way.

As for Philip, he next found himself in the town of Azotus.  He went on to the town of Caesarea, and on the way he preached the good news about Jesus in every town in that area.

LORD, please help us to love telling people about Jesus.

How has the Holy Spirit recently helped you tell someone about Jesus?

(252) Acts 8:26-40

The Spirit Works In Samaria

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How has the Holy Spirit recently worked in your life?  

Philip went to a large city in Samaria & preached to the people there (251); he told them that Jesus was the Messiah promised by God!   God used Philip to bring healing to many paralyzed & lame people, and to expel evil spirits from many other people. So there was great joy in that city.  And when they saw the miracles that were done there, crowds of people began paying closer attention to what Philip said.

A man named Simon lived in that same city; for a long time he had astounded the Samaritans with his magic tricks. He claimed that he was someone great, and everyone in the city, from every class of society, had been paying close attention to him.  “Simon has the great power of God,” they had said.

But when Philip came, many people believed his message about the good news of God’s kingdom & about Jesus Christ.  Many men & women were baptized to demonstrate their new allegiance to Jesus.


Even Simon the magician was baptized.  From then on, Simon stayed close to Philip; he was astounded when he saw the great wonders & miracles done by God through Philip.

The believers in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had received the word of God, so they sent Peter & John to them.  When the two chosen witnesses arrived, they found that the new believers in Samaria had been baptized with water for the forgiveness of their sins.  But they had not yet been filled with the Holy Spirit.  So Peter & John laid hands on them & prayed that they would receive the Holy Spirit.


And as they prayed, so it happened! God’s Spirit invaded & took over the lives of the new Samaritan believers!

Simon the magician saw that the believers had received the Holy Spirit when John & Peter placed their hands on them.   So he offered money to Peter & John, saying, “Give me this power, too, so that anyone I place my hands on will receive the Holy Spirit.”

But Peter rebuked Simon: “You are in danger of going to hell, for thinking that you can buy God’s gift with money!  You can have no part in our work, as long as your heart is not right with God. Your sinful envy is obvious.  You must repent & pray that God will forgive you for even thinking of such an evil plan.”

Then Simon said to Peter & John, “Please pray to God for me, so that I may not be condemned to hell.”

After they had shared their testimony about Jesus and proclaimed God’s message, Peter & John went back to Jerusalem. Along the way, they preached the good news about Jesus in many villages of Samaria.

LORD, please help us to love the unexpected works of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

How has the Holy Spirit recently worked in your life?  

(251) Acts 8:5-25

Stephen Murdered!

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(Audio narration is accessible from the Post, by clicking the Forward button at left.)

How has God turned apparent defeat into victory, in your life?

When the council of Jewish religious authorities heard Stephen’s accusation against them, they became furious with Stephen, grinding their teeth in anger (250)!

But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, was simply looking up to heaven.  He proclaimed, “I see heaven opened & Jesus standing at the right hand of God!”

With a loud cry the council members covered their ears with their hands, so as not to hear what they considered Stephen’s blasphemy!  In a moment, they all rushed at Stephen, dragged him outside the city of Jerusalem, knocked him to the ground, and began throwing large, heavy stones at him! (Some of the executioners took off their cloaks & left them in the care of a young man named Saul.)


As the religious elders kept on stoning Stephen, he called out, “Jesus, receive my spirit!” Then Stephen prayed in a loud voice, “God, please do not remember this sin against them!”  And after saying this, Stephen died.

Devout Christians buried Stephen & lamented his death.  But that event was only the beginning of an extended persecution of the followers of Jesus living in Jerusalem.

As a result of this persecution, Jewish believers were scattered to various regions of Israel, as illustrated by the ministry of Philip in Samaria, Gaza, Azotus & Caesarea.


However, the original 12 chosen witnesses continued public ministry in Jerusalem.

Believers shared the good news about Jesus in every place to which they were scattered.  So God used this persecution — not to silence the gospel, but to proclaim it to more people in more places!

LORD, please help us to love trusting You to turn defeat into victory.

How has God turned apparent defeat into victory, in your life?

(250) Acts 7:54-8:4

Stephen’s Message: Accusation!

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Do your friends learn what God expects, from seeing how you live?

Stephen concluded addressing the council of Jewish elders (249).

“Despite their repeated rebellions against God, our ancestors had the tent of God’s presence with them in the desert. It had been made according to the pattern that Moses had been shown by God.

“After Moses died, our ancestors carried this tent with them, as Joshua led their successful invasion & settlement of the promised land.  This tent stayed among the people of Israel until the time of King David.

“David asked to be allowed to replace the tent with a special temple for the God of Israel. But God had planned for David’s son Solomon to build this temple.


“However, we know that God does not live in temples built by men.  A prophet wrote that God once said: ‘Heaven is my throne & the earth is my footstool. What kind of temple could you possibly build for me?  Did not I myself make all things?'”

Suddenly, Stephen was moved by the Holy Spirit to accuse the religious leaders of Israel. “How stubborn you all are!  How deaf you are to God’s message! You are just like your stubborn ancestors; you also rebel against the Holy Spirit of God!

“Was there any prophet that your ancestors didn’t persecute? They killed all God’s messengers, including the ones who long ago announced the coming of his servant Jesus.  And now, you have betrayed & murdered Jesus, too!


“You have received the inspired scriptures from God, yet you have refused to obey them!”

LORD, please help us to love living as You command.

Do your friends learn what God expects, from seeing how you live?

(249) Acts 7:44-53

Stephen’s Message: Abraham, Isaac & Jacob

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How has God fed you during times of spiritual starvation?

To begin their investigation into the charges against Stephen, the High Priest asked him if the charges were true.  The Holy Spirit inspired Stephen to respond — first, by turning their focus toward God & all that he had done for the children of Israel (246).

“Brothers, please, hear me. God told our ancestor Abraham to leave his relatives & his residence in Iraq, saying, ‘Go to the land that I will show you.’  So Abraham moved as  God led him, eventually arriving here in Israel.

“But at that time, God didn’t give Abraham any part of Israel as his own, not even one square foot of ground.  However, God did promise eventually to give all of Israel, and the surrounding lands, to Abraham & his descendants — even though Abraham then had no children!

promised land

“God told Abraham: ‘Your descendants will live in a foreign country for 400 years, where they will be slaves & will be treated badly. But then I will judge & punish the people who enslave them, and your descendants will come out of that country & will return to worship me in this place.’

“God also gave to Abraham the ceremony of circumcision, as a sign of this covenant promise. So Abraham circumcised Isaac a week after he was born; Isaac circumcised his son Jacob; and Jacob circumcised his twelve sons — the famous ancestors of our race.”

“In time, Jacob’s older ten sons became jealous of their younger brother, Joseph, and  secretly sold him to be a slave in Egypt!


“But God was with Joseph and brought him safely through all his troubles.  When he eventually appeared before the king of Egypt, God gave Joseph a pleasing manner & wisdom, so that the king made him governor over the entire country & the royal household!

“Then there was a famine all over Egypt & Israel, and our ancestors couldn’t find any food.  When Jacob heard that there were stores of food in Egypt, he sent his ten older sons there on their first visit.  On their second visit, Joseph made himself known to his brothers, and the king of Egypt came to know about Joseph’s family.  Joseph then sent a message to his father, Jacob, telling him & his whole family, 75 people in all, to come to live in Egypt, for the duration of the famine.


“So Jacob moved to Egypt, where he & his sons lived the rest of their lives.  After Jacob died, Joseph took his  body back to Israel, where he was buried in the place originally established by our ancestor Abraham.”

LORD, please help us to love trusting You to feed us, when we are starving.

How has God fed you during times of spiritual starvation?

(246) Acts 7:1-16