Last Rites

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How will you serve God as you come to the end of your earthly life?

Two criminals were crucified with Jesus, one on his right & the other on his left (218). At first, they both mocked him, saying: “If you are the Messiah, save yourself, and us!”

But later, one of the criminals repented & rebuked the other: “Don’t you fear God?  We’re getting what we deserve for our crimes.  But this man has done no wrong!”

Then he said to Jesus, “Remember me,  when you are enthroned as king!” In reply, Jesus gave him more than he asked for, saying: “You will surely be with me in paradise after we have died today.”


At noon the whole countryside was covered with darkness, which lasted for three hours. At about three o’clock Jesus cried out, “My God,  why did you abandon me?”

The people there heard him, but many seemed not to understand his reference to David’s psalm.  Some thought Jesus was calling for Elijah & said, “Let’s see if Elijah is coming to save him!”

Standing close to Jesus’ cross were Mary his mother, Mary Magdalene, and some other women. Jesus saw Mary his mother standing there; John, his beloved friend, was standing nearby.  Jesus said to Mary, “Now he is your son.” Then he said to his friend, “Now she is your mother.” From that time, John took Mary to live in his home.

mary & john

Knowing that everything had been completed, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A bowl was there, full of cheap wine; a sponge was soaked in the wine, put on the end of a branch, and lifted up to his lips for Jesus to sip.

Finally, Jesus said, “It is finished.” Then his body died & his spirit was released.

LORD, please help us to love being faithful to the end, like Jesus.

How will you serve God as you come to the end of your earthly life?

(218) Matthew 27:38 & 44-50 & 55-56, Mark 15:27-28 & 32b-37 & 40-41, Luke 23:33-34 & 39-44 & 46, John 19:18 & 25-30

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